Machine Learning

Part 1

Welcome to the Introduction of Machine Learning. I hope you have gone through the previous posts on Artificial Intelligence. If no, kindly go through those posts before starting from here. In this post we are going to discuss about the importance, working, types and Applications of Machine Learning with respect to their types in detail.

An Introduction to Machine Learning | DigitalOcean

Machine Learning (ML) is an application of Artificial Intelligence which provides systems or computers the ability to understand, learn and improve from its experience rather than programming explicitly.

At a very high level, machine learning is the process of teaching a computer system how to make accurate predictions when any data is fed to it.  The systems can learn from the data, identify patterns and make decisions with minimum human intervention.

Example – A simple example of ML would be a Spam Classifier system which distinguishes between Spam and Not Spam mails in the E-mail inbox. For that first we need a dataset which contains some examples of the mails which are spam and not spam. Then based on that data, we have to train the model. After the model is trained, then we have to test the model. After it is done and once we got high accuracy the model can be deployed.

The above given Spam classifier is an example of Supervised Machine Learning. That is just a example of how it works. We will go through the types of ML, various techniques and algorithms used in Machine Learning in detail.

Process of ML?

The above given picture explains the process flow of Machine Learning. First the data is collected. Then data is analysed keenly and carefully. It is mainly done using EDA. Through EDA we can find the pattern in data. Then the model is used for Prediction or Classification or Clustering or Association purposes. Then the model continuously learns from the feedback and experience and changes itself.

EDA – Exploratory Data Analysis is the process of analyzing datasets using Visualizations (Charts and Graphs) to identify the main characteristics and pattern of the data.

How ML works?

Let's Dive in the World of Machine Learning | by Ayaz Saiyad ...

Now let us see how a Machine Learning works. As I mentioned in the above example of spam classifier, first the data is collected. The Model or Algorithm is trained with the help of training data. Then the Algorithm is tested with the help of testing data. Now the ML algorithm is ready to predict.

Here new input data is given to the ML Algorithm which we deployed. Then based on the data provided the model or algorithm performs Prediction or Classification on the data. If the Prediction is good and is the accuracy is high, then that model is considered as a Successful model. But if the accuracy of the prediction is poor, it is not considered as a good model. In that case, the model is trained further with the data to enhance the accuracy of the model. This process is continued until we get a Successful model.

Types of Machine Learning

Machine Learning is broadly classified into four types. They are listed below

  1. Supervised Learning
  2. Unsupervised Learning
  3. Semi – Supervised Learning
  4. Reinforcement Learning
ML | Types of Learning – Supervised Learning - GeeksforGeeks

Applications of ML

There are so many applications, algorithms, methods and concepts in each of these types of ML. We are going to see and learn in detail about all the types of Machine Learning in the further posts.

Thanks for reading. Do read the further posts. Please feel free to connect with me if you have any doubts. Do follow, support, like and subscribe this blog.

Fact of the day:

The founders of Google were willing to sell Google for $1 million to Excite in 1999, but Excite turned them down. Google is now worth $632 Billion.

Artificial Intelligence (Part 4)

Subsets and Use Cases of AI

Welcome to Part 4 and the final part of AI. If you haven’t gone through the other parts of AI click here Part – 3. In this post we can discuss about the subsets and use cases of AI.

Artificial Intelligence is a broader concept, under which there are some subsets. The subsets of AI are Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL).

Data processing and using ML Supervised classification algorithm ...

Machine learning is a subset and an application of AI that provides algorithms for the machines with the ability to automatically learn and improve from experience without being explicitly programmed. Machines improves at the given tasks with experience.

Deep Learning is a subset of Machine Learning which teaches the computer to filter inputs through layers. Machines train themselves using deep neural networks which has multiple layers like input layer, hidden layer and output layer.

We are going to discuss in detail about the various process and algorithms followed in Machine Learning and Deep Learning in the upcoming posts. Kindly go through all these topics for better understanding.

These are only some of the few domains where AI is used. AI is also used in Healthcare, Recommendation Systems, Natural Language Processing (NLP), Association, Autonomous vehicles, Sentiment Analysis, Detection, Classification, Clustering and much more.

Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a field of AI in which computers analyze, understand and attain meaning from the human language in an useful and proper way.

Sentiment Analysis is the classification and interpretation of emotions which can be positive, negative or neutral within a text data using Natural Language Processing and Text analysis techniques.

Advantages of AI:

Finally we came to the end of AI. The end in the sense, we will be studying AI as an application from now. Hope you understood about the things which I have written in the posts. From next post we are going to talk and learn about Machine Learning.

Thanks for reading. Do read the further posts. Please feel free to connect with me if you have any doubts. Do follow, support, like and subscribe this blog.

Fact of the day:

The name Google was created accidentally. Name of the search engine originated from a misspelling of the word “googol”, the number 1 followed by 100 zeros😮. It was picked to show that the search engine was intended to provide large quantities of information.

Artificial Intelligence (Part 3)

Agents and Environments

Welcome to Part 3 of AI. If you haven’t gone through the Part 1 and Part 2 of AI click here Part-1 Part-2. In this post we can discuss about the agents and environments in AI.


So far we have seen the definition and types of Artificial Intelligence. Now we are going to see about some things which shows how AI works. There is a term called rationality. A system or model is rational if it does the right thing based on what it knows.

AI is also defined as the study of rational agents. A rational agent could be anything which makes decisions as a person, firm, machine, or software. It carries out an action with the best outcome after considering past and current experience.


An agent is anything that can be viewed as perceiving its environment through sensors and acting upon that environment through actuators.

Agents interact with the environment through sensors and actuators

Sensor is a device which detects or measures input from its environment and converts it into data that can understandable.

Actuator is a device that makes something to move, operate or to control.

Examples of agent:

  • Human agent has eyes, ears, and other organs for sensors and hands, legs, vocal tract for actuators
  • Robotic agent have cameras and infrared range finders for sensors and various motors for actuators.

Let us see an example to understand how it works:

Take an example of vacuum cleaner. Here vacuum cleaner is our agent. There are only two locations Square A and Square B. The vacuum agent can understand which square it is in and whether there is dirt in that square or not.

It can move left, move right, suck the dirt or do nothing. The function of this agent is if the current square is dirty, then suck. Otherwise move to next square.

Vacuum cleaner agent with two locations

Tabulation of a simple agent function of vacuum cleaner

Agent Program for the above situation

If the agent performs all the functions in a correct way given that the other measures are also satisfied then the vacuum cleaner agent is said to be a rational agent.

Types of Agents:

Agents are grouped into five classes based on their capability and Intelligence. We are not going to see about each type of agent because it will be confusing at this stage. But it is required to know what are those five agents. The five agents are

  • Simple reflex agents
  • Model based reflex agents
  • Goal based agents
  • Utility based agents
  • Learning agents


An environment is everything in the world which surrounds the agent, but it is not a part of an agent itself. The environment is where agent lives, operate and provide the agent with something to sense and act upon it.

The performance measure, Environment and the agent’s actuators and sensors are grouped under a heading called task environment. It can be called as PEAS description which stands for Performance, Environment, Actuators, Sensors .

Let us see few examples of agent types and their PEAS description

In designing an agent, the first step must always be to specify the task environment as fully as possible. So it is very important to to find it using PEAS description.

Thanks for reading. Do read the further posts on AI. Please feel free to connect with me if you have any doubts. Do follow, support, like and subscribe this blog.

Fact of the day:

Humans can develop romantic relationships with AI. It is believed that by 2050 marriages between humans and robots will be made legal. Just you have to wait for 30 more years and you can give it a try😝

Artificial Intelligence (Part 2)

Types of AI

Welcome to Part 2 of AI. If you haven’t gone through the Part 1 of AI click here Part-1. In the last post we just saw the various types of AI. Here we can discuss that in detail.

Types of AI (Based on Ability)

  • Narrow AI or Weak AI
  • General or Strong AI
  • Super AI

Weak AI – Also known as Narrow AI is the Artificial Intelligence that exists in our world today. Narrow AI is programmed to perform a single task. They are confined to a set of rules that we provide and they give response to those rules within that domain.

Examples – Devices like Apple’s Siri, Amazon’s Alexa, Self Driving cars and Google Assistant. Almost all the AI based systems built till this date fall under the category of Weak Artificial Intelligence.

Strong AI – Also known as General AI is the stage wherein machines will possess the ability to think and make decisions just like humans. Jarvis in Iron man can be taken as a example of Strong AI. But is it possible to create such one?

There are currently no existing examples of Strong AI. However, it is believed that we will soon be able to create machines that are as smart as humans.

To reach Strong AI level, computer hardware needs to increase their computational power to perform more total calculations per second (cps).  The human brain is estimated to be capable of one exaflop (a billion billion cps). After looking at this mind blowing number, it is indeed we have a long way to go.

Strong AI is considered a threat to human existence by many scientists, including Stephen Hawking.

Super AI – Artificial Super Intelligence is the stage of AI when the capability of computers will surpass human beings. It is currently a hypothetical situation as depicted in movies and science fiction books, where machines have taken over the world and enslaving the humans.

Researchers have argued that, by way of an intelligence explosion, a self-improving AI could become so powerful as to be unstoppable by humans.

Types of AI (Based on Functionality):

  • Reactive Machines
  • Limited Memory
  • Theory of Mind
  • Self – Awareness

Reactive Machines They are the most basic types of AI. Such AI systems do not store memories or past experiences for future actions. These machines only focus on current scenarios and react on it as per possible best action.  Reactive AI machines cannot form inferences from the data to evaluate their future actions. 

Examples – IBM’s Deep Blue system and Google’s Alpha Go.

Limited Memory Limited memory machines can store past experiences or some data for a short period of time. These machines can use stored data for a limited time period only. Such an AI has a short-lived or a temporary memory that can be used to store past experiences and hence evaluate future actions.

Examples – Self driving cars. They use sensors to identify civilians crossing the road, traffic signals etc to make better driving decisions. This helps to avoid future accidents.

Theory of Mind Theory of Mind AI are capable of understanding the human emotions, people, beliefs and be able to interact socially like humans.

Examples – This type of AI machines are still not developed, but rigorous research is happening in this area.

Self Awareness – Self-awareness AI is the future of Artificial Intelligence. These machines will be super intelligent and will have their own consciousness, sentiments, and self awareness. They will be much more smarter than the human mind.

Examples – This type does not exist in reality still and it is a hypothetical concept.

AI Types based on various applications

5 Types of Artificial Intelligence That Bring Value to Business

Thanks for reading. Do read the further posts on AI. Please feel free to connect with me if you have any doubts. Do follow, support, like and subscribe this blog.

Fact of the day:

Most AI bots are Female. If you ask Siri, Alexa, Cortana or your bank’s Voice assistance a question, most likely, you will be answered by a pleasant and polite woman’s voice. Do you know the reason?

Studies show that males and females are more attracted to a woman’s voice. Are you?

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Part 1

Evolution of AI:

We all would have heard about Turing test. Right? In 1950, Alan Turing a British mathematician wrote an answer to the fundamental question ‘Can Machines Think?’ As per Turing, machines had a memory store, a set of instructions and a means to carry out instructions on the input data.

For understanding how machines think he proposed the “Turing Test” which is the first step in the evolution and understanding of AI.

Turing Test is a method of inquiry for determining whether a computer is capable of thinking like a human being or not. It compares the performance of a computer program with that of a human being in a live interaction situation.

In the above test if a machine can engage in a conversation with a human without being detected as a machine, it demonstrates that machine has human intelligence.

What is Artificial Intelligence then?

Artificial Intelligence is defined as the development of computer systems that are capable of performing tasks that require human intelligence, such as decision making, solving complex problems, object detection etc.,

The term AI was first coined by John McCarthy in 1956. He defined AI as the science and engineering of making intelligent machines.

Types of Artificial Intelligence:

AI can be divided into two types based on Ability and based on Functionality.

Detailed explanation of each and every types of Artificial Intelligence are given in the next post. Kindly go through the further posts.

Thanks for reading. Please feel free to connect with me if you have any doubts. Do follow, support, like and subscribe this blog.

Fact of the day:

In 1997, Deep Blue made history as the first computer to beat a world chess champion Garry Kasparov in a six-game match under standard time controls. Deep Blue was a chess playing computer developed by IBM.

Disrupting Technologies

A disruptive technology is the one which changes an established technology and creates a completely new industry. It is a new technology that entirely changes the way things are done. The speed of the innovation is amazingly fast, with new things getting discovered each and every day.

Emerging Technologies are technologies whose scope and development are still unrealized, but they are becoming popular and useful day by day. It is almost same as Disrupting technology.

Moore’s Law is also applicable to disruptive technologies. Moore’s law states that the number of transistors in a chip doubles every two years, though the cost of computers is halved. It means that the speed and capabilities of computers doubles every two years.

Similarly in emerging technologies, the techniques and methods are enhancing day by day which makes it more understandable and also ensures user friendliness. Although it does not apply with Moore’s law completely, it is applicable to some extent.

Some of the disruptive and emerging technologies that are currently growing at a high pace are listed below.

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Machine Learning (ML)
  • Deep Learning
  • Cloud Computing
  • Block Chain
  • Internet Of Things (IOT)
  • Big Data
  • Autonomous Vehicles
  • Analytics
  • Robotics
  • Augmented Reality (AR)
  • Virtual Reality (VR)
  • 3D printing

These are the most important technologies. If you learn learn all these technologies, then you can easily crack interviews in the future because most of the questions will be asked only based on the applications involved in these technologies.

Everything that are needed to know about the above mentioned technologies are explained clearly in the further posts. Kindly go through all the posts for better understanding.

Thanks for reading. Please feel free to connect with me if you have any doubts. Do follow, support, like and subscribe this blog.

Fact of the day:

There are 7.8 billion people on the planet and 5.2 billion of them use a mobile phone. Only 4.5 billion of them use a toothbrush😅.

My first blog post


Hello. First of all welcome to my new blog on technologies which are changing the world. Actually, this is my first blog ever. I am a student doing my Post Graduate in MBA ( Business Analytics) and did my Under Graduate degree in Engineering.

I always thought of starting a blog and posting the things which i know and which interests me the most. But i couldn’t do it for a long period of time. But now successfully, I have started and I am into blogging now. My main motive to start this blog is to share my knowledge with you all and also to learn the things which I am not aware of which will be a kind of mutual learning for both of us.

What I am going to post in this blog?

As I mentioned earlier, Innovations and technologies are revolutionizing the world and the lives of each and every one of us. Most of the things that were mere visions of the future yesterday are reality now. We cant even image how things will happen in the future.

So, in my blog I am going to talk in detail about various technologies which are disrupting the business now. These new technologies will be the future, so it is very important for us to know and learn about these technologies now. It will be definitely useful for you in terms of job, studies or in some other way.

Not only definitions and introduction are covered in this blog but it is having a detailed explanation of all the topics involved in those technologies with clear examples and diagrams. I assure you that, you will fathom these technologies simply and clearly in a better way than other websites. And also at the end of every post you will find interesting facts that are waiting for you.

That’s it from my side. You are in the right place and it is the right time to keep your next step which makes you unique and ahead of all others in this competitive world. Always feel free to connect with me and cheers to your upcoming learning of emerging technologies in a fruitful way.

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